Postprocessing simulation results using ParaView

In this series, we talk about how to use ParaView efficiently to post-process the results of computational simulations.

Series Materials

In order to follow the videos and reproduce the output, you need the raw simulations results. You can download these files (separately for each project) from this shared folder.


  1. Introducing Postprocessing Projects presentation
  2. Introduction to ParaView presentation
  3. Cell viability project: importing data presentation
  4. Cell viability project: animations presentation
  5. Cell viability project: plot data over a line presentation
  6. Degradation/corrosion project: visualizing a degrading screw presentation
  7. Degradation/corrosion project: contours or clips? presentation
  8. Introducing interface tracking of tissue growth models presentation
  9. Visualizing phase-field and level-set models presentation
  10. Visualizing output of physics-informed neural network models presentation
  11. Fluid flow: working with fields and vectors presentation
  12. Fluid flow: stream lines presentation
  13. Fluid flow: particle tracking and path lines presentation
  14. Fluid flow: NVIDIA IndeX and visualization using GPUs presentation
  15. Python scripting for automating tasks presentation