An easy (but not so short) introduction to applied numerical computing

In this series, we take a look at the fundamental concepts of numerical computing to solve partial differential equations.

Educational Materials

In order to follow the videos, you need the educational materials and content, which are provided as a set of Jupyter Notebooks. You can find the materials in this GitHub repository


  1. An easy (but not so short) introduction to applied numerical computing presentation
  2. Introduction to Jupyter notebooks presentation
  3. A quick overview of Python programming language presentation
  4. A short tutorial on NumPy, multi-dimensional arrays and matrices library presentation
  5. SciPy in a nutshell, the library of scientific algorithms for Python presentation
  6. Essential Matplotlib, data plotting library for Python presentation
  7. A quick look at SymPy for symbolic computation in Python presentation
  8. Use SymPy for solving ordinary differential equations in Python presentation
  9. High-performance computing and parallel programming in Python presentation
  10. A short git tutorial; introducing version control systems presentation
  11. Why numerical methods matter? Why we need them for computer simulations? presentation
  12. Finite difference method for (nonlinear) ordinary differential equations (ODEs) presentation.
  13. Finite difference method for solving partial differential equations (PDEs) presentation
  14. Stability condition and higher-order methods for numerical solution of PDEs presentation
  15. Finite difference solution of the diffusion equation presentation
  16. Iterative solution of differential equations using finite difference method presentation
  17. All you need to know from finite element theory | Part 1 | approximation using basis functions presentation
  18. All you need to know from finite element theory | Part 2 | variational and weak formulation of PDEs presentation
  19. All you need to know from finite element theory | Part 3 | time-dependent and nonlinear problems presentation